Wednesday 4 June 2014

A Woman's Journey through LIFE


She looks amazingly into her newborn's eyes while caressing his tiny little body, "I am a mom now", with fears in her eyes the 21 year old gal murmured. She couldn't contain her emotions. All of a sudden, so many things popped up in her mind, worries and excitement as to how can she possibly raise him. so many fears. "how about his education? His milk? How can i do it?".  It's a never ending question. But then, in a split second she composed herself and said "There's no turning back now."

Her parents forced her to get married at young age of 21. When she got pregnant by her that time boyfriend of two years. and boy, it wasn't easy coming out in the open and just change you life dramatically just because she got pregnant. Her parent stopped paying for her school, asked her to work and get married right away. Which of course wasn't her parents fault for ruining her life, She didn't blame them. She thought she was the one responsible and it all happened because of one mistake. But looking at her newborn baby, she thought to herself, "how could this possibly be a mistake? this gorgeous little man in my arms is not a mistake." He is her source of strength and from there she will learn to stand on her own feet. She worked hard. paid for her own food and get her own apartment with the help of her husband. It was fine for sometime.

But then, two years later, her marriage didn't work out. Maybe they are too young to establish a family. maybe they both have not fully understood how is it to be together and make it work as a family.  She cant figure it out.  But sadly, She failed her marriage at a young age of 23.  And being a single mom, holding her son's hand she felt the fear again on raising him on her own. She was motionless, devastated as to what is the next step. She needed guidance.

Her life was hard after her separation, she prayed to God as if why things like that needed to happen to her, but it seems like there's no answer. Job was too evasive for her. Her estranged former husband just couldn't care less to her or just to their child which is now 3 years old. Without any financial support, She became a single parent to his son. "Its a bit more challenging now" she thought. with a sense of motivation, she added "there's no one to depend on but only myself and my own earnings for me and my son." She did everything to support her child and now that her parents has broken up as well just like what happened to her, She (mom) depended on her as well. Getting just the basic needs is hard for a single parent and a breadwinner. It was the dark and hard times of her life for survival. and she was too far for asking God's intervention.

She was broke.

Call center job has been her life saver, She joined so many BPO company one after another. looking for greener pastures. She managed to stay in this job for three years. and her earnings was sufficient enough to support her family. Sufficient is the key word. Its only for basic necessities. Until one night, her greatest fear suddenly came. her mom suffered a stroke. she cant move her body, she rushed her to the hospital and stayed there for two weeks. Paid a merely 300 dollar bill for her recovery in a public hospital. This time, She was crying and prayed very hardly to God for help. She doesn't have any money. But gladly, her friends who supported her helped her to pay for it. She helped her mom coped up with the sad incident in her life. Juggling things with working during the night, looking after her then 6 yrs old kid and taking care of her mom at home. Sometimes she was lucky to have relatives who helped her look after her mom when she needed  rest. She was restless. But they managed to stay alive. and they survived. and they continue to struggle and live.  Then another incident hit her.  Her Son got hospitalized after a year for an unknown sickness, he cant move his legs and cannot stand. always crying for a painful head trauma. She have only 100 dollars in her wallet to spend for the month, so there's nothing left for hospitalization bills payment. but a "good" friend donated her some money to pay for his son's hospitalization. which turns out that money he donated will be used as a blackmail to get her to sleep with him. What a life.

Then years later.

One sunny day, strange thing happened when she came to know GOD accidentally when a friend invited her to a Christian church, She felt a strong feeling of relief when one women came to her and addressed her fears and that God was waiting for her to come. She cried heavily while that woman prayed for her. Strongly, its like a very big burden has been released inside her body!God was with her! She literally fell on her knees and asked for God's acceptance and forgiveness. God has waited long enough for her and now is the time!


Everything was all clear to her now.  It's all making sense. that God gave her trials and tribulations to purposely strengthen her but HE didn't leave her alone. God was there in her life even though she didn't personally know him yet. HE was there on every single time of her life and she didn't knew until now. That those times when she needed help, its not a coincidence that she manage to get a good job or get help from people. it was HIM who helped her. She guessed that maybe she was too stubborn to accept god's help that time she refuses to declare it.  But NO,  HE didn't leave her.

Months later, she risked going abroad and finally met the man of her dreams who supported her and loved her dearly. At the age of 30, they are now planning to get married.  She devoted her time to God and lived accordingly to his words. Her faith became stronger each time. and She felt the inner peace she have been looking for. Her son now goes to a Christian school and honing him to be a better man someday, maybe preparing him for his own battles in Gods time. Her Mom is continuously gaining her health back and in good shape. She know its not the end of the road, but surely she knows that she is in good hands as she accepts God as his companion, savior, redeemer and best friend she will ever have. There's NOTHING to FEAR.

 what a JOY it is to see how God works in our life! So what's your story?

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